Vulva Steaming is an ancient practice combining steam and herbs. It is used to maintain and heal the health and wellness of the vulva, vagina and womb. Women worldwide have used this practice since the day time began. Sadly it almost got wiped out in the days when witches and midwives were burned. We are now reclaiming our ancient wisdom and reconnecting to this sacred practice to take control of our own health.


Vulva Steaming . Intimate Steaming

  • The first stage of your steam journey starts here.

    A confidential online questionnaire to check for any contra-indications to steaming and begin to create the perfect steaming package for your needs. Takes around 15 minutes to do online and can be done in your own time.


  • Welcoming you into the world of steaming, an in person session to go through in more detail what steaming is all about. A more in detail consultation and all the information you need to know is gone through. Then we do an introductory return-to-self sacred ritual followed by a 10 minute gentle steam. This is a must if you have never steamed before.


  • For those who have steamed before or have had the first time steam.

    An in person, beautiful sacred practice to rediscover and reconnect to your sacred womb, awakening any ancient wisdom you have. Then we carry out a 30 minute heated steam using specifically selected herbs. During your steam we journey through a guided womb meditation to welcome the herbs into your vulva and womb and allow them, and the steam, to do their magic. This meditation is also intuitively guiding any healing that needs to take place that may come during your steam.

    You leave with an at home steam programme and herb plan to follow for the next month.


  • Your monthly check-in so we can make sure you have the correct herbs and steam plan for the month ahead. Or for those who can't get to me in Ibiza this is your option to get the right steam plan and herbs to carry out at home, wherever in the world that may be.


  • Special prices for bundles, steam plan dependant

    £5 / steam

  • £150

I first heard of a Yoni steam a few months ago and was curious but not sure I’d ever do it. Then when I heard Victoria had trained and it was named a sacred steam I was really called, especially as I know I feel safe and held in Vic’s presence. I feel all women have some kind of trauma in their sacral area. I certainly felt I held some trauma from childbirth and before. The moment I entered the space it looked and smelt beautiful. Victoria does a personal consultation to ensure the correct herbs are chosen and the whole experience is cleansing, grounding and sacred. I would recommend all women experience this at least once, especially if you feel there is trapped trauma in your sacral area.
— Lise

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